Galerie Mitterrand is thrilled to announce our participation in Zut! – a collaborative exhibition which celebrates the intersection of art and design in Paris from October 18 - 23, 2022. Occupying an 18th century mansion on 72 rue de l’Université in the 7th arrondissement, this immersive exhibition is the brainchild of 7 international galleries:
A1043 (Paris, France) @a1043_
Deli Gallery (New York, USA) @deligallery
Friedman/Johnson (New York/Miami, USA) @ninajohnsongallery
Galerie Mitterrand (Paris, France) @galerie_mitterrand
Salon 94 Design (New York, USA) @salon94design
The Breeder (Athens, Greece) @the_breeder_gallery
Volume Gallery (Chicago, USA) @volume_gallery
Join us Tuesday, October 18 from 6 - 9 pm for a Vernissage with music by Novembre Sound system, (AKA Cyrus Goberville & Sidney Gérard)
Daily hours:
Tuesday 18 Oct. 11am—9pm
Wednesday 19 Oct. 11am—7pm
Thursday 20 Oct. 11am—7pm
Friday 21 Oct. 11am—7pm
Saturday 22 Oct. 11am—7pm
Sunday 23 Oct. 11am—6pm
#ZutParis is free and open to the public with nightly happy hour from 6pm until close!
Many thanks to our media sponsor Novembre Global @novembreglobal